Wardrobe Basic: The Slip

Pattern: Slip from Vogue's Misses Dress and Slip #1177
Fabric: 1 yd silk cotton blend
Cost: $12

I've needed a slip forever, and I've had this fabric almost just as long. Finally, this weekend as part of my continued stash-busting project I took the time to sew it up. The fabric is this great silk cotton blend, which really is the best of both worlds: the drape and softness of silk, the press and sturdiness of cotton. I seriously need to use this fabric more often!

Honestly, the fit's not that great, my stitching isn't anything to show off, and it's not the easiest to get on and off, but as a simple and much-needed undergarment I think it will do the trick. 

The funny thing is, while this is a wardrobe basic, I actually had trouble finding a basic slip in stores. The vintage ones were tons of $$, and the department store brands either had control bands or were made of awful synthetic material that would have not have been discreet under a sheer garment. Another win for sewing!


  1. You're so sweet in your slip!

  2. i've been thinking of making a slip recently, especially as an alternative to obsessively lining all my dresses. looks nice! even if the stitching isn't perfect, at least it'll still be useful!

  3. I know EXACTLY what you mean! I was slip shopping a few weeks ago to try to find something to wear under my 1920s drop waist dress that I had just made, and it was near impossible to find something that wasn't all decked out in weird bust area hardware or, yes, was made with very questionable fabric. Your slip here is so cute and I love your pics in black and white like that! Very classy!

  4. So sweet! I have been looking for a good slip pattern to use with some silk/cotton fabric I bought from Gerties Etsy shop :) Would you recommend this one to others??

  5. This was a fairly simple pattern that came with a Vogue dress, so I bet you could find something cheaper and better. I heard the April Rhodes Date Night Dress comes with a slip pattern that might be simple and fun if you wanted to buy the dress pattern anyway.

  6. I have totally had slips on the brain lately, I may have to check out that April Rhodes pattern. Yours looks lovely!

  7. Love the slip (also love the poster!)

  8. very nice! I have one gray slip that I got with a dress and I use it for all of my dresses, makes life a lot easier!

  9. This is such a good wardrobe idea. You're right, you can't find a good slip anymore. My grandmother and I lament this together. Aside from the slip, you have a Love and Death movie poster! So cool. It's one of my favorite silly movies.

  10. Fabulous slip! I just love silk/cotton blends - they feel delicious and are so much fun to work with!

  11. Gorgeous! I desperately need a slip and I've been thinking of sewing one up. Love yours!


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