Meg Made May 2015 - Weeks 3 and 4

A few weeks ago I took a look at the 10-day forecast and got predictions for foggy, windy days stretching out for the foreseeable future. These past two weeks have been cold! Accordingly, I have been bundling up in my favorite wool jackets, pulling out knit hats and sweaters that haven't seen the light of day in ages, and generally going for function over fashion. Seriously people, it's colder than it was in January!

To be fair though, the San Francisco Bay Area has quite moderate weather, so the addition of a few layers to my regular uniform sufficed. I was still able to wear mostly me-made outfits, with some days pairing a store-bought t-shirt or button-up with a me-made accessory. We also celebrated another Bay to Breakers (SF's annual road race/party parade) with some home-made spandex costumes. The following week I came down with a cold and have felt mostly uninventive clothing-wise. Proof: apparently I wore different black and white striped shirts three days in a row this past week. 

Saturday - Knit Hat, Ginger Jeans
Sunday -  Bay to Breakers costumes (leotards, etc.)
Wednesday - Bonnie Top, Trousers
Friday - Blush TopGinger Jeans

Saturday - Chambray Pleated Pants (not blogged)
Monday (Memorial day!) - Plantain Top, Hudson Pants
Tuesday -  Swing JacketGinger Jeans
Wednesday - Cocoon Coat, Knit Scarf, Black Ginger Jeans

Overall, I did pretty well on my challenge of wearing me-made outfits every day, although there were some days I really just preferred to wear something else in my closet. I'm cultivating the right mix of RTW and handmade, and I'm quite comfortable with that. For some things like graphic tees and sweaters, I just prefer the ones I've bought! However, I can't wait to cut into my Sewaholic Granville pattern and sew up some button-ups that actually fit.

Until next year, MMM!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely selection of outfits. I feel the same - I still buy RTW t-shirts, leggings and such because ain't nobody got time to make boring plain stuff :)


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